New CD

Thuras Ceoil - Music Journey

New CD in Production - Help Produce and Launch it. Buy the "Pre-Release" now!


Thuras Ceoil

Thuras Ceoil - Music Journey

(features original music of Sylvia Lee Mann)


Pre-release Orders receive a bonus! A free copy of the popular "Winter Sounds" CD now, and the new release BEFORE public release. In addition, you will receive an advance MP3 album of the new album!


The tracks for Thuras Ceoil - Music Journey are in production now. You will receive your copy (and mp3 album) as soon as they are mastered and ready.

CD - Winter Sounds


A feast of new Celtic music for a variety of ensembles: Celtic harp, viola, flute, & full orchestra, using modern and ancient instruments.

Winter Sounds is a delightful collection of music, taking you on a journey through the Celtic soul. It is meditative, inspiring, and energizing.

The music of "Winter Sounds" is a gift from the Gods and Goddesses of the Celtic tradition. The inspiration for each selection came swiftly and completely. It has been a joy to bring these musical works to realization in our world, in our time, a joy to bring to our spirits the music of the Celtic Soul. Enjoy!


$12.97 for the CD.

Use the Paypal button and you can get a second CD for just $5

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Buy this CD at CD Baby We love CD Baby - so it would be great if you buy it from there! (You can also get it thru iTunes, Rhapsody, etc)
Buy This Music at ITunes

If you've got ITunes - this is the easy way to buy this album!





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Sylvia Lee Mann

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